Kids Corner

Parents’ Page

Teach your children to protect their earth and their health. By teaching them to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle you are ensuring their future, so that they can provide for themselves and can continue to provide for children of their own. Teach your kids to recycle today!


Here are some fun ways to get your children involved in recycling!

  1. Visit our Kid’s Page to play recycling games or create crafts out of recycled materials.
  2. Teach them that garbage doesn’t just disappear once the garbage man takes its away.
    Click here 
    to learn where your trash goes once it leaves your home.
  3. Create an “Invention Box” to put recyclables in! This is a fun way to get kids to think about what their “trash” can be used for. REUSE the items from the box in craft projects found on our Kid’s Page 
  4. Take them to our Why Recycle page and teach them about how recycling can help.


There are also ways for you to reuse and recycle household items! Click the links below to find out how to turn used household item into something new and useful or decorative!

How about decoupage with your old greeting cards?

Or making Christmas lights more beautiful with your old plastic bottles?

Check out this site recommended by Kristen Potter’s Library Class in California. 

Check out Ten uses for dryer lint ! Number one- it’s excellent tinder for campfires!

Lawrence County Solid Waste

3326 Mitchell Road

Bedford In 47421
