Recycling creates jobs:
Recycling can generate many more jobs than waste disposal methods. This is because recycling processes are significantly more labor-intensive and do not use the regular equipment used for waste disposal. This results in the need for more employees to do the processing instead. In a report prepared by the Tellus Institute, it was found that if the US increases recycling rates from the current 33% up to 75%, it would create 1.5 million jobs! To read the report, click here.
Recycling makes waste management more cost-effective
Recycling generates revenue for communities, whereas disposing of waste in a landfill actually costs money.
Recycling makes America energy independent
Recycling and reducing consumption can save energy and reduce our dependence on oil from foreign countries.
Recycling conserves our resources
All resources come from a common pool. Conserving those resources now ensures that future generations can have access to the same resources we do, without the risk of running out. Fuel, metals, and many other materials will not be replenished in our lifetime so the more we waste now, the less we have for future use.
Recycling keeps trash out of landfills and protects the environment
Landfills today are built to prevent pollution and methane gas from seeping out which helps reduce damage to the environment. But landfills also take up space, something our country values highly. When the current landfills are filled up, more land will be needed for waste disposal, and we will have to give up more valuable space for burying our trash.
Recycling reduces pollution
When new products are created a lot of energy is required, from the extraction of the material (metals, wood, etc.) to the creation of the product to the transportation of the product to the store. Energy is required at all stages of the process, and the more we buy, the more energy we use up to get those products. Manufacturing plants pollute the air and water with chemicals. The power plant that provides energy for the manufacturing plant burns fuel that pollutes the air. Trucks used to transport materials pollute the air. By reducing our consumption and recycling the materials we need to buy, we can save that energy and protect our natural resources.
Recycling produces less carbon
Carbon is one of the gases most commonly released during the process of making new products. Reducing the number of products we buy will decrease the amount of carbon that is released into the atmosphere. Carbon is one of the major contributors to global climate change, which causes sea levels to rise, severe storms to become more common, and makes food production more challenging.To read a report by the EPA about recycling reducing carbon emissions,
click here.
How are recycled materials used after they are processed?
Steel food cans: Appliances, Auto Parts, Construction Beams
Aluminum Cans: New Soda Cans, Siding
Paper: New Paper, Building Insulation, Packaging
Plastics: Plant Pots, Plastic Lumber, Can Liners, Lawn Furniture
Glass: New Glass Packaging, Decorative Tiles, Paving Materials
Magazines: Greeting Cards, Paperboard
Oil: Marine Grade Diesel Fuel, Motor Oil
Newspaper: Cellulose Insulation for Homes
For interesting facts and benefits about recycling visit the following websites: